Good points Leto, valid points...and here are a few you've missed.
While it is up to the players to create storyuline they will enjoy, it is also up to them to keep a small semblance of reality and continuity.
For instance, being able to explain how you even know the Aurorans are marching...
Now, as for the rolling over and doing nothing, the player's characters, save for Rensain and Maire, are unaware that anything is even happening. Now, you need yo keep in mind a very important note here. When you are on Aegis, the Aurorans, and Bathy are for all intents and purposes important NPC's. When you are reading their posts you are getting a peak behind the GM screen and a glimpse at what has been arranged as a whole.
In any other game, the DM doesn't share with you the politics of the other realms. You get a broad picture, and then play your bit part. To say they are doing nothing is a slap in the face to the players that, at this moment, are attempting to keep the rest of the realm alive. Namely Renny, Maire, Angel, and Bathy.
You are, of course, more than welcome to get involved in a constructive way. But players need to keep in mind that they are limited to their involvement based on their status in the realm. The majority of you are peasants. Interfering in the lives of the nobles can get you killed or worse. This is in no way meant to say you can't try. Justr don't come crying about vendettas, or whining if things go terribly wrong because you weren't ready to face the consequences to dving in the deep end, and be ready to make your plans over a long term.
Also, keep in mind that characters like Bathory, Vlad, Jaric, Renny...have had centuries to perfect their skills. They have been playing at politics longer than the average character has been alive. They have armies at their control, and yes, they are terribly overpowerred for PCs...which makes it a good thing that for the most part, they are NPCs.
And Amarra makes a very valid point....go figure that one out
...war with the Aurorans would be bad. They currently outnumber Aegis, they have not been in the near constant state of war that Aegis has been, starting back before SoulReaver, and the Aegean army has been saved on more than one occassion by the timely intervention of Jaric and his men. This makes it highly unlikely that the tired, batterred soldiers of Aegis will even be willing to fight for a King that has only been on the throne breifly, and who is asking them to fight men they have shed blood with and for.While it is possible that some grand action on the side fo the players will accomplish a miracle in a few battles, the reality of a war is bleak in the extreme.
Alright, enough with that. Here's where I'm at for the moment.
Jaric: Thunderlands with Renny.
Vlad: Thunderlands with Angel, after his meeting with Bathy. (( Help keep the timeframe right))
Xavier: F'Tallian with Damyn.
Velmark: F'Tallian with Damyn
Wulfgang: Currently has control of Draco...never left after securing the city in the SoulReaver wars.
One Eyed George: With his captain...gods know why...
There, I think that about covers my characters.